xHamster Designs Doll Who’ll Watch Porn With You

xHamster has partnered with IDOLL to create xHamsterina, the first doll who’ll not only watch porn with you, she’ll blow you while you do it! You can order her HERE only for $ 2990.

In the tradition of Eve and Smurfette, xHamster staff has designed what we think is the perfect companion for watching porn. In fact, we looked at the preferences of our most active users to find out how to design the perfect xHamsterina:

• She’s pretty!
• She sexy!
• She doesn’t mess with your brain!
• She’ll hold your xHamster beer!
• She’s guaranteed not become sentient.

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Publicado por xHamster 7 años atrás 9


JAKARTA — In conjunction with World Refugee Day, and Pride Month in the United States, xHamster is launching an initiative to connect LGBTQ people living in repressive regimes with resources to help learn about emigration options.

Starting immediately, visitors to xHamster’s gay channel in Indonesia will be presented with a pop-up alerting visitors about the recent government crackdowns, and directing them to resources about legal aid and refugee resettlement programs. 

The program was launched after a series of police raids, f0rced HIV testing and public canings.

xHamster chose Indonesia … Leer más

Publicado por xHamster 7 años atrás 4


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Publicado por xHamster 7 años atrás 1

National Pride Marchers Choose Politics Over Porn

The National Pride March in DC (as well as Los Angeles's #ResistMarch and Atlanta's Equality March) led to major dips in porn viewing, according to reports from xHamster's traffic team.

"In cities where the LGBTQ marchers took to the streets, we saw significant dips in visitors, as marchers chose Pride over porn," said Alex Hawkins, Vice President of xHamster. "Good for them. We believe that political speech and sexual speech are both important components to the movement, and governments that censor one almost always censor the other. So keep marching, and keep uploading!"

Washington, DC a … Leer más

Publicado por xHamster 7 años atrás 3


A knock-out! COMING SOON!

The porn giant xHamster launches the second season of its HAMSTERLAND animated series – now even more provocative, more aggressive, more fuckin’ wicked!

You’ll see Justin Bieber (yeah, you heard it right - Justin-motherfuckin’-Bieber!) play the son of the Lord and of course trump up, witness LGBT and BLM protest clashes and… much more!

Wanna join the HAMSTERLAND crew? Welcome aboard!

Get a chance to become a voice-over star in your country! Just dub any episode (use the subtitles in your language from the video for that) and … Leer más

Publicado por xHamster 7 años atrás 6

Surf xHamster safely with minimeyes

We have a long history of users telling us about their problems, asking for tips and sharing fun stories. No message goes unanswered, and we’ve always strived to help whenever possible. While these messages take many different forms, in the ten years since we launched xHamster, there has been one particular issue which has plagued our users  — getting caught!

“My BF opened the bathroom door and saw WHAT I was watching on my smartphone. He was really pissed!”

“I was on my lunch break, and was about to have a good time with xHamster. Suddenly my boss rushed into my office with an emergency. MyLeer más

Publicado por xHamster 7 años atrás 5

xHamster Sending “Playing the Whore” to Hot Girls

xHamster Sending Red Umbrellas, “Playing the Whore” to Hot Girls Wanted

After reading numerous accounts by adult film performers who feel they were treated unethically by the production staff of Hot Girls Wanted: Turned On, xHamster has decided to send copies of Melissa Gira Grant’s Playing the Whore: The Work of Sex Work to the directors, producers and Netflix itself. Each will also get a red umbrella, a symbol of sex worker rights.

Performers involved in the production related that they were lied to by producers, and that their images were used without their consent, either in violation o … Leer más

Publicado por xHamster 7 años atrás 2

xHamster logo

Attribution 2.5 Generic (CC BY 2.5). … Leer más

Publicado por xHamster 7 años atrás 52

Welcome to a Public Testing of a New xHamster!

xHamster Is Revealing a Public Testing of Our New Web Design for a Limited Number of Users!

Today, you`ll have a chance to become one of the lucky few to experience the updated web design of xHamster.
Right on, we finally open the public testing for a limited number of registered users! As this is a BETA-version of the website, we are launching it for public testing to registered users only, before it is perfected for general use.

NB! When switching to the BETA-version you will still have the option to go back to the old one.

We`ll be supporting both website versions for a while to make s … Leer más

Publicado por xHamster 7 años atrás 618

Support Sexual Health! Support Planned Parenthood!

If you’re enjoying the videos on xHamster, support the health and safety of women and others who make them.

Porn stars and amateurs alike depend on increased reproductive rights, access to birth control and low-cost STI screenings, and non-judgmental sexual health education.

Planned Parenthood is the largest provider of such services in the United States, and is crucial for the the health of our community. Unfortunately, many are calling for the organization to be defunded.

We ask that you stand with us by standing with them.

Support sexual health in America! Support Planned ParenthoodLeer más

Publicado por xHamster 7 años atrás 6

Vote for your favorite Trump porn fantasy!

Missiles in Syria! Obamacare Repeal! The Nuclear Option! Omarosa’s Wedding! When did news of the Trump Administration get so stressful?

We here at xHamster long for the days when Trump was a staple of newspaper entertainment sections, and when the ‘pussyhat’ still meant merkin. We know we’re in a brave new world, however, and we’re here to give you relief — and hopefully bring down your bl0od pressure.

Below are five scenarios we’ve come up with for our first very bigly Trump Porn Parody starring internet sensation, John Brutal. He’s aching to try out his Trump impersonation naked, and we’ … Leer más

Publicado por xHamster 7 años atrás 182

xHamster beer is back!

After huge demand, we are back with our exclusive xHamster beer.

It is available here. xHamster beer consists of five different malt varieties, two hop varieties, organic honey, and the finest spices and yeast flow into the beer. Very full-bodied, slightly sweet and yet spicy, it has unique and rich taste giving an aromatic satisfaction after the first sip.

Take a dive into xHamster tripel beer and give us your feedback!
Order now to get this beer fast!Leer más

Publicado por xHamster 7 años atrás 4

xHamster Releases Alleged Melania Trump video

Unable to independently confirm the identity of the woman in the alleged video, xHamster team is releasing the video and calling on forensic scientists to help evaluate the identity of the woman.
The video is available via a secure third-party link.

“While the woman in the video bears a striking resemblance to Melania, we do not believe we could commercially distribute the video. However, we are prepared to offer Mrs. Trump a contract for $148 million dollars, to help off-set costs of security for Trump Tower. We understand that she just adores a penthouse view, but we need to fund the NEA.” … Leer más

Publicado por xHamster 7 años atrás 8

1000USD For Your Hamster`s Photo!

Before 12th April Hamster Day, enter the prize and win 1000USD for the cutest hamster selfie!

1. Take a picture of your hamster in or out of costume
2. Upload the picture to social networks with hashtags #xhamsterselfie #xhamster untill 12 of April
3. Win 1000USD for the cutest hamster selfie

We proudly announce the winner of our Hamster Contest!
Congratulations, you have won 1k, you earned it!

People and media claimed this was an april fool prank, it wasn't, we condiment this blog post as to help our audience and supporters. Big congrats to the one and only mrs. Rudovik from Boston, … Leer más

Publicado por xHamster 7 años atrás 5

xHamster Evaluating Purported Melania Trump Video

xHamster confirms it is in possession of a video allegedly of First Lady Melania Trump.
The decades-old video is low resolution, and is shot an upscale New York apartment. A man who is not Mr. Trump appears with the woman in part of the video.  

Alex Hawkins, spokesperson of xHamster said that as with a purported photoshoot of then Melania Knauss in the 1990s, the resemblance to Mrs. Trump is striking.

“We were connected to the video by a third-party who noted the resemblance and identifying details similar to those of the former Ms. Knauss. Given the rights issues, and possible ramificatio … Leer más

Publicado por xHamster 7 años atrás 7


We received word (via Breitbart) that Jenna Jameson, the adult performer turned alt-right MILF icon has declined to appear as herself in our upcoming Trump parody film, Drain My Swamp (“Sad ploy! ... Crap film” — Jenna Jameson).

But her loss is your gain! We’re looking for that two-of-a-kind performer who can play an aging former starlet.

We’re looking for:

Large, fake boobs
Blonde, over-processed hair
Twitter account
Racist fanbase

You need not actually be an anti-Muslim extremist, but you may be asked to play one on TV. Or, in this case, the internet. 

To audition, please submit photos … Leer más

Publicado por xHamster 7 años atrás 9

Porn Site xHamster Announces Its Trump…and Ivanka

Fans of leading tube site xHamster have elected an amateur performer known only John Brutal to star as President Donald Trump in the company’s upcoming hardcore parody series. The would-be Trump’s first scene, Drain My Swamp, will be shot as the site has finalized supporting roles including Kellyanne Conway and Betsy DeVos.

“For a role this important, we couldn’t choose an establishment porn star,” says Alex Hawkins, Vice President of xHamster. “Brutal has it all: small hands, bad hair, and absolutely no experience. We’ll be flying him out to Los Angeles for his initial shoot in the next mo … Leer más

Publicado por xHamster 7 años atrás 12

xHamster Presents fifi: jerk it like a king!

Say no more! xHamster and WhizWorx has teamed up to produce a solution to a man`s masturbation mess problem.

Meet fifi, a new sex toy brought for your pleasure! This new edition has been tested by the most active xHamster users, so that you could trust the choice.

xHamster fifi toy is a discreet, no-mess cleanup masturbator for men. Unlike other male sex toys on the market, it has disposable, one-time use sleeves to get rid of after use.

“We are excited to create fifi, the unique premium device”, said Alex Hawkins, xHamster spokesman. "It is ribbed, luxury-looking and very stylish. Bring … Leer más

Publicado por xHamster 7 años atrás 6

xHamster Black History Month!

Black History Month, also known as African-American History Month in America, is an annual observance in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom for remembrance of important people and events in the history of the African diaspora.

In respect to this month, we have prepared a statistical information about the Ebony category on our website.

As Dr. Mae Jemison quoted, “Never be limited by other people’s limited imaginations.”

“The destiny of world civilization depends upon providing a decent standard of living for all mankind. I feel that as the world becomes more and more multic … Leer más

Publicado por xHamster 8 años atrás 7

Global Call for Trump Actor: Polls Are Open

Dear xHamster f@mily,

Below you will find the selected post submissions.
Their fate belongs to you.
Choose the lucky individual to become xHamster`s official Trump for the duration of the Presidency.

Vote for the lucky one!

In polls we trust!
xHamster Team … Leer más

Publicado por xHamster 8 años atrás 3